Friday, April 29, 2011

Painted Mailbox Cover

I envy those that still have the rural mailboxes, as it seems housing complexes are all getting those PO Box style mailboxes .. I just think it takes the uniqueness out of things.

Soooo ... I'm always thrilled when I get a mailbox or mail box cover order. My latest customer requested a floral mailbox cover for his T3 mailbox. I used my 1 inch and 3/4 inch brushes, painting with acrylics. After drying, I sprayed with 5-6 layers of lacquer.


Sherry Goodloe said...

Very pretty!

Anonymous said...

When you purchase from Cottage and Cabana, please be sure to view our DIY and FYI Articles to help you with general information and care instructions for hand painted mailboxes, hand painted flower mailboxes