... do you REALLY like the teacher gifts that your students/we parents give you?
I pose this question, because "Tis the Season to Start Teacher Giving" ... but I hesitate these days because of a small but pointed web exchange I read last year on one of my web lists.
Basically - the teachers hated the gifts.
I read the comments, first wryly ... because yeah, I can understand only being able to do so much with 25 Apple note card sets or mugs ... then sadly, because I know how much fun my son has picking out gifts for his teachers ... then I got angry, because I know how much fun my son has picking out gifts for his teachers.
I began noticing the PTA letters that came home, asking parents to forgo the "cutesy gifts" and send cash or gift cards for the teachers. Cash??? Okay - this irked me because while I understand teachers aren't paid much, that this cash comes in handy - is this REALLY what I tell my son? "No sweetie, we aren't making cookies this year and that hand painted mug - your teacher gets tons of those ... we're gonna give her money"
So ... I'm asking the teachers out there ... and please - be honest - are you sick and tired of the mugs, the pencils, the notepads (grin) ... is it really cold hard cash that you want?
..now, I have my own idea of what my son and I are giving from now on, and I'll post a pic of it soon .,.. but in the meantime ...
Let me know.