A little over a year ago, I was in such a funk that I didn't even have the desire to pick up a paint brush. So, like any crafty chick - I switched gears and turned my attention to the paper arts. Scrapbooking in particular. I had no supplies, so I joined some cool clubs like
Studio Calico,
Treasure Box,
Unity Stamps ... and voila!! I was off.
But a funny thing happened on the way to being the perfect paper crafter.
The more I scrapped and made cards ... the stronger my desire to paint became. Every time I stamped an image - I wondered how long it would take to draw. Every time I looked at digital stamps, I thought of all the line drawings I had on my PC, that I could use instead of purchasing a digital stamp.
And then all the papers!!! OOOOH LA LA!!! There are some scrumptiously gorgeous papers out there ... and I'd think how wonderful it would be to be the ARTIST who created those papers.
And then ... slowly but surely ... I began to gravitate back to my painting table. Not with the full force that I'd had for so many years (over ten years) ... but enough for me to start to try again. Another thing that helped, was all the mixed media blogs and you tube videos. WOW. If you want inspiration, there are so many blogs and you tubers out there so willing to share their creative talents.
Don't get me wrong - I love to scrapbook. I love making cards too, but the pull to paint is so strong within me ... I guess I needed that break to make me realize how much I missed it.
In my perfect painting paper crafting world - I am able to combine my love of painting and my love of scrap-booking and card making ... and the fun of it wil lbe trying to get there.